Aloe vera is a popular herbal remedy, but only limited research evidence of benefit is available as of June, 2004. It may have some mild benefits for the healing of skin wounds, but not a dramatic one. It may help psoriasis and is certainly worth trying. A recent study found benefit for ulcerative colitis. Some research suggests that it might help diabetic with blood sugar control. At this time, nothing is certain, but side-effects are mild (allergies) and the cost is low.
Aphthous Stomatitis: Aloe Didn’t Help Aphthous Stomatitis: DB studies from Medical College of Georgia on aphthous stomatitis (canker sores). Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1998 Nov;86(5):550-6. Diabetes Might be Helped as well as Hyperlipidemia: The authors were able to find 10 clinical controlled trials using aloe vera. Oral administration of aloe vera might be a useful adjunct for lowering blood glucose in diabetic patients as well as for reducing blood lipid levels in patients with hyperlipidemia. Topical application of aloe vera did not appear effective as a preventative for radiation-induced injuries. It might be effective for genital herpes and psoriasis. Whether it promotes wound healing is unclear. There are major caveats associated with all of these statements. Aloe vera: a systematic review of its clinical effectiveness. Vogler BK, Ernst E., University of Exeter. Br J Gen Pract. 1999 Oct;49(447):823-8 Gastric Acid Secretion and Mucosal Injury Reduced by Aloe Vera: The effect of varying doses of ethanol extract of Aloe vera (Liliaceae) on acute gastric mucosal lesions induced by 0.6M HCl and acid output was studied in the pylorus ligated and lumen perfuse rats, respectively. Acid secretion was determined by titration of the collected gastric juice to pH 7.0. In a rat study, intraperitoneal injection of Aloe vera, dose dependently inhibited gastric acid secretion. The plant was more active as a gastroprotective agent at lower concentration against mucosal injury induced by 0.6M HCl. In conclusion, Aloe vera is endowed with gastric acid anti-secretory activity and could protect the gastric mucosa at low concentrations against injurious agents. The effect of Aloe vera A. Berger (Liliaceae) on gastric acid secretion and acute gastric mucosal injury in rats. Yusuf S, Agunu A, Diana M. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. J Ethnopharmacol. 2004 Jul;93(1):33-7 Psoriasis: Aloe Vera Helps: In a DB study of aloe vera three times a day for 5 days with up to three repeats, Aloe in a hydrophilic cream vs. placebo with 12 months of follow-up found an 83% vs. 7% cure rate for mild to moderate disease with average of 8 year duration. Malmo Univ., Trop Med Int Health 1996 Aug;1(4):505-9 Radiation Dermatitis Not Helped: Univ of Toledo, OH, on radiation dermatitis : Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1996 Sep 1;36(2):345-9; A Phase III study involving 225 patients with breast cancer after lumpectomy or partial mastectomy, who required a course of radiation therapy. Topical aloe vera gel three times a day for 3 weeks didn't help, but a topical aqueous cream did help. Radiation Dermatitis Prevented: In a DB trial of mild soap vs. mild soap and aloe vera gel,patients undergoing radiation therapy benefited prophylactically only if liberally applying aloe vera at various intervals throughout the day and when high cumulative doses of radiation were being used (> 2,700 cGy). The median time to skin changes was 5 weeks with aloe vs. 3 weeks without. The effect of aloe vera gel/mild soap versus mild soap alone in preventing skin reactions in patients undergoing radiation therapy. Olsen DL, Raub W Jr, Bradley C, Johnson M, Macias JL, Love V, Markoe A., University of Miami. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2001 Apr;28(3):543-7 Ulcerative Colitis: Aloe Vera Helps: 44 ulcerative colitis patients were given 100 cc aloe vera gel or placebo twice a day for four weeks. Clinical remission, improvement and response occurred in 30%, 37% and 47%, respectively with aloe vera vs. 7%, 7%, and 14% with placebo. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of oral aloe vera gel for active ulcerative colitis. Langmead L, Feakins RM, Goldthorpe S, Holt H, Tsironi E, De Silva A, Jewell DP, Rampton DS. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2004 Apr;19(7):739-47. Ed: This would cost about $20 per month for the aloe vera gel. Wound Healing Helped by Aloe Vera and Nystatin: In a rat study, Aloe Vera was found of value. Retardation of wound healing by silver sulfadiazine is reversed by Aloe vera and nystatin. Muller MJ, Hollyoak MA, Moaveni Z, Brown TL, Herndon DN, Heggers JP. Medline through 6/10/04 Thomas E. Radecki, M.D., J.D. modern-psychiatry.com