


Bibliography on Television Violence

3. Fielding, JE: New England J Medicine, 4/8/76.

4. Gurr, TR: On the history of violent crime in Europe and America, in H.D. Graham & T.R. Gurr(eds): Violence in America. Beverly Hills, CA, Sage Press, 1979.

5. U.S. Congress. House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.: Investigation of radio and television programs. Hearings and Report, 82nd Congress, 2nd Session, June 3-December 5, 1982. Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1952.

7. Blumer, H & Remmers, HH: Movies, delinquency, and crime. New York, NY, Macmillan, 1933.

9. Siegel, AE: Film mediated fantasy aggression and strength of aggressive drive. Child Development 1956;27(3):365-378.

10. Radecki, TE: TV-Film Violence Bibliography 1933-1983. NCTV News 1985;4(3):1-8 and subsequent issues.

10a. Comstock, GA, & Rubenstein, EA: Television and social behavior, Vol 1-5. Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972.

11. United States Congress. Senate Committee on Commerce. Subcommittee on Communications.: Surgeon General's Report by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior. Hearings, 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, March 21-24, 1972. Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972.

12. Pearl, D, Lazar, J, & Bouthilet, L:Television and Behavior: Ten Years of Scientific Progress and Implications for the Eighties. Vol. 13. Summary Report. Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1982.

14. Attorney General's Task Force on Family Violence, Final Report : Washington, DC, U.S. Department of Justice, 1984.

15. Eron, LD & Huesmann, LP: The control of aggressive behavior by changes in attitudes, values, and the conditions of learning, in R.J. Blanchard & D.C. Blanchard (eds): Advances in the Study of Aggression, Vol.1. New York, NY, Academic Press, 1984.

16. Centerwall, BS: Exposure to television as a risk factor for violence. Amer J Epidemiology 1989;129:643-52.

17. Singer, DG, & Singer, JL: Television viewing and aggressive behavior in preschool children: A field study. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1980:347:289-303.

18. Singer, JL, & Singer, DG: Psychologists look at television: Cognitive, developmental, personality, and social policy implications. American Psychologist 1983;38(7):826-834.

19. Singer, JL & Singer, DG: Television and Family Living Patterns. A Study of Preschoolers and their Parents. Unpublished. Yale University, 1985.

20. Belson, WA: Television Violence and the Adolescent Boy. Hampshire, England, Saxon House, 1978.

21. Gorney, R, Loye, D, & Steele, G: Impact of dramatized TV entertainment on adult males. Amer J Psychiatry 1977;134:170-174.

22. Andison, FS: TV violence and viewer aggression: A cumulative of study results 1956 to 1976. Public Opinion Quarterly 1977;41:314-331.

23. Malamuth, NM & Check, JV: The effects of mass media exposure on acceptance of violence against women: A field experiment. J Research in Personality 1981;.

23. Williams, TM: Differential impact of TV on children: A natural experiment in communities with and without TV. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression, Washington, 1978.

24. Granszberg, G & Steinberg, J: Television and the Canadian Indian. Technical report, Dept of Antropology, University of Winnipeg, 1980.

27. Phillips, DP: Suicide, motor vehicle fatalities, and the mass media: Evidence toward a theory of suggestion. American J Sociology 1979;84:1150-1174.

28. Phillips, DP: The impact of mass media violence on U.S. homicides. American Sociological Review 1983;48:560-568.

29. Phillips, DP: Real-life suicides related to soap opera suicides. Amer J Sociology. 1982;

30. Phillips, DP & Hensley JE: When violence is rewarded or punished: The impact of mass media stories on homicide. J Communication 1984;34(3):101-116.

32. Gerbner, G, Gross L, Morgan, M, & Signorielli, N: The "Mainstreaming" of America: Violence profile no. 11. J Communication 1980;30(3):10-29.

33. Pingree, S & Hawkins, R: U.S. Programs on Australian Television: The Cultivation Effect. J Communication 1981;31(1):97-105.

34. Linz, D, Donnerstein, E, & Penrod, S: The effects of multiple exposures to filmed violence against women. J Communication 1984;34(3):130-147.

35. Rychtarik, RG, Drabman, R et al: Alcohol use in television programming: Effects on children's behavior. Addictive Behaviors 1983;8:19-22.

36. Futch, EJ, Lisman, SA et al(1983). Influence of televised alcohol consumption on children's social problem solving.

37. Atkins, C & Block M: Content and effects of alcohol advertising: Report of Michigan State University study. Washington, DC, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, U.S. Government, 1981

38. Radecki, TE: NCTV report on TV Alcohol Portrayals. Champaign, Ill., NCTV, 1983.

40a. McCarthy, ED, Langner, TS, Gersten, JC, Eisenberg, JG, Orzeck, L: Violence and behavior disorders. J Communication 1975;25(4):71-85.

40b. Hartnagel, TF, Teevan, JJ, Jr., and McIntyre, JJ: Television violence and violent behavior. Social Forces 1975;54:341-351.

40c. Greenberg, BS: British children and televised violence. Public Opinion Quarterly 1975;38:531-547.

40d. Friedrich-Cofer, LK, Huston-Stein, A, Kipnis, D, Susman, EJ, and Clevitt, AS: Environmental enhancement of prosocial television content: Effects on interpersonal behavior, imaginative play, and self-regulation in a natural setting. Developmental Psychology 1979;15:637-646.

40e. Leyens, JP, Parke, RD, Camino, L, and Berkowitz, L: Effects of movie violence on aggression in a field setting as a function of group dominance and cohesion. J Personality & Soc Psychol 1975;32:346-360.

40f. Parke, RD, Berkowitz, L, Leyens, JP, et al: Some effects of violent and non-violent movies on the behavior of juvenile delinquents, in L. Berkowitz (ed): Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 10). New York, NY, Academic Press, 1977.

41. Gerbner, G: J Communication 1976;26:173-199.

44. Radecki, TE: Sports violence annotated bibliography. NCTV News 1984;5(1):3-8.

45. Russell, GW: Aggression in sport, in P.F. Brain & D. Benton (eds): Multidisciplinary Approaches to Aggression Research. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Elseview/North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1981.

46. Geen, RG & Berkowitz, L: Some conditions facilitating the occurrence of aggression after the observation of violence. J Personality 1967;35:666-676,

47. Patterson, A: Hostility catharsis: A naturalistic quasi-experiment. Personality & Soc Psychol Bulletin 1974;1:195-197.

48. Keefer, R, Goldstein, JH, & Kasiarz, D: Olympic games participation and warfare, in J.H. Goldstein (ed): Sport Violence. New York, NY, Springer-Verlag, 1983.

49. Sipes, RG: War, sports and aggression: an empirical test of two rival theories. American Anthropologist 1973;75:64-86.

50. Radecki, TE: Cartoon and hostile humor bibliography. NCTV News 1985;6(5):6-8.

53. Milgram, S, & Shotland, RL: Television and antisocial behavior: Field experiments. New York, NY, Academic Press, 1973.

54. Milavsky, JR, Kessler, R, Stipp, H, & Rubens, W: Television and aggression: Results of a panel study, in D. Pearl, L. Bouthilet, & J. Lazar (eds): Television and behavior: Ten Years of scientific progress and implications for the eighties (Vol. 2). Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1982, pp 138-157.

55. Cook, T, Kendzierski, D, & Thomas, S: The implicit assumptions of television research: An analysis fo the 1982 NIMH report on Television and Behavior, Public Opinion Quarterly, 1983;47:161-201.

55a. Huesmann, LR: Television violence and aggressive behavior, in D. Pearl, L. Bouthilet, & L. Lazar (eds): Television and behavior: Ten years of scientific progress and implications for the eighties (Vol. 2). Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1982, pp 126-137.

55b. Tan, AS: Social learning of aggression from television, in J. Bryant & D. Zillman(eds): Perspectives on Media Effects. Hillsdale, NJ, Erlbaum, 1986.

55c Malamuth, NM & Donnerstein, E(eds): Pornography and Sexual Aggression. New York, NY, Academic Press, 1984.

56. Zillman, D. & Bryant, B.: Pornography, Sexual Callousness, and the Trivialization of Rape. J Communication 1982;32(4):10-21.

57. Radecki, TE: Pornographic film review survey. Champaign, Ill., NCTV, 1985.

59. Dietz, PE, & Evans, B: Pornographic imagery and prevalence of paraphilia. Amer J Psychiatry 1982;139:1493-1495.

59a. Malamuth, NM, & Spinner, B: A longitudinal content analysis of sexual violence in the best-selling erotic magazines. The Journal of Sex Research 1980;16(3):226-237.

60. Radecki, TE: NCTV musicvideo and rock music report. Champaign, Ill., NCTV, 1984.

62. Bryant, J & Zillman, D: Sports violence and the media, in J.H. Goldstein (ed): Sports Violence. New York, NY, Springer-Verlag,1983.

63. Ross, RJ, et al: Boxers--Computed tomography, EEG, and neurological evaluation. J Amer Med Assoc 1983;249:211-213.

64. Arms, RL, Russell, GW & Sandilands, ML: Effects of viewing aggressive sports on the hostility of spectators. Soc Psycho Quarterly 1979;42:275-279.

65. Radecki, TE: Cartoons and advertisements promoting war toys. Champaign, Ill., NCTV,1985.

66. Radecki, TE: Homicide and suicides linked to participation in violent fantasy role-playing games. NCTV News 1986;7(3):5-8.

68. Moriarty, R: A comparative Canadian-American study on the effects of televised athletics and organized sports on family members. Univ of Windsor,1981.

70. Straus, MA, Gelles, RJ, & Steinmetz, SK: Behind Closed Doors. Garden City, NY, Anchor Press,1980.

71. Russell, DE: Sexual Exploitation. Beverly Hill, CA, Sage Press,1984.