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Many of my child and teen patients report being the victims of bullying.  I don't know if schools address this problem very much in the U.S.

Children with Psychiatric Difficulties at High Risk of Being Bullied: In a cross-sectional comparative study in 1984 and 1996, focusing on children's and their families in the Nordic countries, parents of 3000 randomly selected children ages 2-17 were surveyed each year. Parents reported bullying of their child in 15% of the cases, varying from 7% in Sweden to about 20% in Denmark and Finland. There was a small increase in bullying from 13.7% in 1984 to 16.4% in 1996. Bullying was somewhat more frequent in boys (OR: 1.4) and in children 2-6 and 7-12 years old (OR: 2.0 and 2.2 compared with older children). Children of single parents and of parents with low education had increased risks (OR: 1.4 and 1.4). Children with chronic conditions had higher risks for being bullied (OR: 2.3). In 1996 children with psychiatric/nervous problems and hyperactivity had high risks for being bullied (OR: 8.8 and 10.5) and for bullying others (3.9 and 3.5). Sweden had early focused on the problem and implemented a strong national policy before 1996, which may account for its much lower rate. After 1996 national anti-bullying policies were strengthened in the Nordic countries, most in Sweden and Norway. Parental reported bullying among Nordic children: a population-based study. Nordhagen R, et al. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway. Child Care Health Dev. 2005 Nov;31(6):693-701.