Gambling Gambling Takes Time, Causes Severe Problems, and Advertising is a Trigger: Seventy-eight female (59.5%) and 53 male (40.5%) (mean age = 48 years) pathological gamblers were studied. The majority of subjects (55.7%) were married. Subjects gambled a mean of 16 hours per week. Slot machines (65%), cards (33%), and blackjack (26%) were the most popular forms of gambling. The mean length of time between first gambling behavior and onset of pathological gambling was 6.3+/-8.9 years. Approximately one half (46%) of the subjects reported that television, radio, and billboard advertisements were a trigger to gamble. Most gamblers had severe financial, social, or legal problems. The majority of the subjects (58%) had at least 1 first-degree relative who also exhibited symptoms of problematic gambling behavior. U. Minn. Demographic and clinical features of 131 adult pathological gamblers. Grant JE, Kim SW. J Clin Psychiatry. 2001 Dec;62(12):957-62 Fluvoxamine Rx Gambling; No Benefit in DB: Fluvoxamine associated with a decreasein pathological gambling in a very small 10 patient single blind study. 7 Stopped gambling and were much improved. Eric Hollander, Mt Sinai, AmJPsych 12/98 155:1782-3. But Carlos Blance-Jerez of Columbia U in DB of 34 pt for 6 mo at 200mg/d found no reduction in money or time spent gambling vs placebo. APA 5/99. Naltrexone Helped Gambling in DB: 83 DSM-IV parhological gambling from newspaper ad. 11 weeks 100-250 naltrexone (mean 188). 22 better during placebo week not used. of remaining 61, only 45 remained in study at least 6 weeks. 55% of 20 naltrexone vs 12% 25 placebo very much improved. Kim S, Grant J, Adson D, Shin Y: Double-blind naltrexone and placebo comparison study in the treatment of pathological gambling. Viol Psyc 01;49:914-21 U Minn & Seoul. Lithium = Valproate: SB PC 42 gamblers 14 weeks. Both effective: 61% and 68% on CGI-I much or very much improved. Lithium and valproate treatment of pathological gambling: a randomized single-blind study. Pallanti S, Quercioli L, Sood E, Hollander E. J Clin Psychiatry 2002 Jul;63(7):559-64 Paroxetine No Benefit for Pathological Gambling: DB PC 78 pt. 16 weeks with 59% paroxetine vs 49% placebo improvement. U Minn. Paroxetine treatment of pathological gambling: a multi-centre randomized controlled trial. Grant JE, Kim SW, Potenza MN, Blanco C, Ibanez A, Stevens L, Hektner JM, Zaninelli R. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2003 Jul;18(4):243-9 |