Psych Meds
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Other Meds

This page attempts to place all psychiatric medications together for an easy review.  Approximate costs are included.  In a few cases, I have been able to find much cheaper prices for other countries, but many real bargains are available in the U.S.  Some older psychiatric generic medications have soared in price, often increasing over 500% almost overnight, which might make some of my prices out of date.  In the last month, the Bush government has made it almost impossible to import from India where the cheapest prices were available.  The drug companies often conspire with the Bush administration to jack up prices tremendously.  Many very inexpensive medications for other countries can no longer be imported than to the FDA changing its rules.

For instance, the Republican administration has successfully pressured the government of India to raise their patent protection up toward U.S. levels which were themselves dramatically increased just a few years ago.  The extremely corrupt Bush FDA has been very vigorous in fighting the importing of medications selling for less in other countries.  The Republicans, with payoffs from drug companies and support from the leadership of AARP, just passed a sweetheart Medicare drug law preventing state governments from pressuring drug companies to negotiate lower prices although this is very common in other countries.  The new law saves a little money for seniors but guarantees huge profits for drug companies and huge taxes for the American public.  It also made it easier for the Bush FDA to block importation of medications.  The new law will drive Medicare broke by 2018, if not sooner.  

Drug companies sometimes pay generic companies to stop making cheap generics so that consumers are forced to pay 10 or 20 times more for older brand names no longer protected by patent laws.  The FDA makes it very difficult for new generic manufacturers to produce medications.  The FDA very frequently misrepresents the truth to the American people, claiming it is trying to protect the quality of medications when it truth it is trying to protect the quality of profits for big U.S. and multinational drug companies.  It is all very corrupt with the Republican party sold out to the drug companies and the Democratic party not being much better.  

Still, with some planning, it is easy for the average psychiatrist to save $250,000 to $1,000,000 a year for whomever is paying the drug bills of his or her patients.  Unfortunately, very few psychiatrists or physicians of any specialty seem to care and the government definitely doesn't care.  After all, physicians don't make any money by cutting costs and you get hassled by other physicians for being an oddball who uses older medications and supplements, which in fact are often just as good or better than expensive patented medications.  Managed care doesn't care, so long as they get their money.  Patients don't care so long as someone else is paying the bill.  In fact, drug companies successfully brainwash many patients into pressuring physicians to give them the high priced, advertised medications which usually have few if any advantages over much cheaper alternatives.  It's usually not my money or your money.  But it is our money.

One way for patients to save money is to search the internet.  Another way, which may often be cheaper, is to buy a "drug card."  For $4.50 per month or $50 per year, a family can obtain a discount drug card from .  You can then shop at local pharmacies and enjoy discounts that are usually considerably larger than the $4.50.  You can also call up pharmacies and get prices over the phone.  In my experience, WalMart and Medicine Shoppes are usually the least expensive.  

Prices are price for a 30-day supply at the stated "usual dosage". Prices may vary considerably by source.  Its good to shop around by phone. The generic price is given where available as noted by an asterisk (*).  Most prices from 2004 Darby Drug catalog for sales to physicians


SSRIs: (5) Side-effect: nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, dizziness, sweating, fatigue, sexual difficulties. Low fatality index. No weight gain

S-citalopram (Lexapro) 10-20 mg QD  $75-$80;    The left-handed version of Celexa, i.e., without inactive right-handed version which 

                                                                            might increase side-effects.

Citalopram (Celexa)     20-40 mg QD   $74-$148;   (20mg) 20, 40mg tabs similar price; 1.5 day half-life, pill split easy; $25 Overseas

Fluoxetine* (Prozac)     20-60 mg QD   $3-9;       brand name ($104-$313); 7 day half-life; (Sarafem brand name for PMS)

     (Prozac Weekly)      90-180 mg QW $75-$150;   little clinical need since fluoxetine already so long acting. 

Paroxetine (Paxil)        20-60 mg QD   $92-$276;    10, 20, 30, 40mg tabs similar price. Serious withdrawal problems; drug interactions 

     (Paxil CR)               25-75 mg QD   $82-$246;    May have fewer side-effects, especially less nausea. 

Sertraline (Zoloft)        50-200 mg QD  $79-$158;   (100-200mg); Take with food; 50, 100 mg same price; $30 Overseas.

Fluvoxamine* (Luvox)  100-300mg QD $35-$105;    brand name ($110-$330); 25, 50, 100 mg tabs similar price. Used primarily for OCD 

                                                                            but works for depression 


Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors:

Isocarboxazid (Marplan) 60 mg/day                       No weight gain; maybe low fatality index ($210 UK). 

Phenelzeine (Nardil)       60-90 mg/day  $65-$100;   Sometimes considerable weight gain; 15 mg tabs

Tranylcypromine (Parnate) 10 mg tabs; $70.95/100

Pargyline (Eutonyl)

L-deprenyl, selegiline* (Eldepryl) 5 mg caps, $172/100; generic $31/100


Tricyclic Anti-depressants: (price for higher dose)

Amitriptyline* (Elavil)        100-150 HS   $9;         Weight gain effect, sleep effect; dual action

Clomipramine* (Anafranil) 100-150 HS   $18-27;   Used for OCD and depression; better than SSRIs in many studies. Good safety index. 

Desipramine* (Norpramin) 100-150 HS   $12-18;   High fatality index

Imipramine* (Tofranil)      100-150 HS   $?;         Up to 300 mg/d. Lower dose of 100 mg/d may work as well for maintenance; small 

                                                                            weight gain. 

Nortriptyline* (Aventryl/Pamelor) 25-100 HS $5-14;10, 25, 50 mg caps; no wt gain; low fatality index; Blood level if needed. Good 

                                                                                effectiveness, OK with elderly.

Doxepin* (Adapin/Sinequan)  100-150HS $12;         Very strong appetite and weight gain effect, very good sleep effect 

Trimipramine* (Surmontil)  50-150HS                    Not for heart patients. 


Other Anti-depressants:

Trazodone* (Desyrel)       150-400 HS    $4-$8;    For sleep 50-100HS; 50-100mg tab; Dizziness, No wt. gain, low sex side-effects, 

                                                                            priapism in males; low fatality index

Nefazodone (Serzone)      300-600/day  $100-$200; Splitting easy; 100-150-200-250mg similar $; dry mouth, sleepy, blurred, dizzy, 

                                                                            nausea; rare liver problems; rarely used

Mirtazapine (Remeron)    15-75mg QD   $61-$305; also for parkinsonian tremors; pre-synaptic alpha-2-adrenergic, dry mouth, sleep, 

                                                                            weight gain;

Bupropion* (Wellbutrin)    300mg/d       $42;         brand name ($121.00); Low sexual side-effects, no weight gain, help stop smoking, 

                                                                            good for bipolar; 75-100 tabs 

       Wellbutrin XL                                 $119;

Venlafaxine (Effexor)       75-375 QD      $53-$222; Low drug interaction; 25-37.5-50-75($53)-100($56) tabs similar $, no weight gain; 

                                                                                   dual action; $17-75 Overseas; XR $20-100 Overseas

       Venlafaxine XR          75-375 QD      $94-$300  37.5-75($94)-150($104); (usual dosage around 175/d, although usually 75-100mg OK)

Duloxetine (Cymbalta)      60QD-BID        2004      serotonin and dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Nausea, dizzy, dry mouth, constipation, 

                                                                            insomnia. 10-15hr half-life

Reboxetine (not in U.S.)  4 BID                            Selective NE reuptake inhibitor. Low fatality index, no sex impairment.

Maprotiline (Ludiomil)                                         NE reuptake inhibitor; low fatality index

St John’s wort 0.3% hypericum* 300-600 tid $7-$14; Helped mild-moderate depression in most DB trials. Few side-effects. Effects some 

                                                                                     other medicines. Amoryn is one advertised brand name.


Anti-depressant Add-ons:

Pramipexole (Mirapex)                           $110-207   Used for Parkinson’s Disease; D2/D3 agonist; 0.25-0.5mg tabs; open trials only, 

                                                                                poorly researched

L-thyroxine (T-4)           200-500microg/d $9-21     Few side-effects, very well researched, helps many antidepressants and lithium 

Tri-iodothyronine (T-3)   25-50microg/d                 Few side-effects, very well researched, helps many antidepressants and lithium

Dessicated thyroid         1-3 gr. QD          $1          Combines T-4 and T-3, more natural combination may be better than either T-4 or 

                                                                            T-3 alone.

Pindolol                        7.5mg/d                          Helped as adjunct in 3 of 4 DB studies

5-HTP                          300 mg/d                        Helpful as an add-on in 3 of 3 DB studies; by itself is has also be useful in 2 of 4 DBs


Alzheimer’s Meds:

Cholinesterase Inhibitors (4):

Donepezil (Aricept)        5-10mg QD        $153;      Modest benefit, Also has been used for mania; 5 & 10mg tabs same price 

Tetrahydroaminoacrine (Tacrine)            $153      Modest benefit; no longer marketed in the U.S.; causes liver toxicity

Rivastigmine (Exelon)    3-6mg BID         $130      Modest benefit for only 25-30% mild-mod AD pts

Galantamine (Reminyl)            BID                       Modest benefit


Erlogoid myselates* (Hydergine)                           Very minor benefit, older medicine now rarely used

Gingko biloba*                                                    Very modest benefit

Fish Oil                                                $3-10      Two controlled studies, modest benefit; also prevent heart disease, depression, and a number of other diseases

nimodipine, phosphytidyl serine, huperzine          Some studies


Ibuprofen*                                          $5/mo.     Might help prevent; GI, BP, kidney side-effects; keep under 1000 mg/d; can cause headaches

Estrogens, Statins                                              Modest benefit; estrogen for women only; statins used for people with unhealthy cholesterol levels

Folate*, B-12*, Vit C                                           Some studies show modest benefit

grape juice and blueberries, fish, vegetarian diets     Survey studies find associated with low AD rates

one alcohol/d, low animal fat diets, low salt, spinach  Survey studies find associated with low AD rates; also avoid tobacco, hypertension


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Meds:

All SSRIs and clomipramine (above); atypical anti-psychotics


ADHD Stimulants and others: Stimulants are Class III Controlled Substance with strong abuse potential unless noted

Amphetamines (Adderall)                                 $84

Amphetamines (Adderall XR)                             $73           Time released

Dextro-amphetamine*                                      $40

Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin) 10 mg bid           $55            no advantage to short-acting; d-enantiomer

Amphetamine-SR (Dexedrine Spansules)           $58

Methylphenidate* (Ritalin) 20 mg bid                 $37         3-5 hr duration

Methylphenidate-SR* (Ritalin-SR) 40 mg AM       $56          3-8 hr duration

Methylphenidate-new SR (Concerta) 40 mg AM   $75         long acting 8-12 hr

Methylphenidate-SR (Metadate CD) 36 mg AM   $74            long acting 8-12 hr

Methylphenidate-LA (Ritalin-LA) 40 mg AM       $68            long acting 8-12 hr

Methylphenidate patch 

Pemoline (Cylert)                                          $102

Provigil (modafinil) 100-200mg AM                $180-$220     Class IV for daytime sleepiness of narcolepsy, widely overused for general sleepiness.


Atomoxetine (Strattera) 1.2 mg/kg AM             $135-270      NE reupdate inhibitor; 10, 18, 25, 40, and 60mg capsules

Clonidine* (Catapres)     0.1-0.3 mg/d                $9            NE alpha-2 agonist. Simple once a day treatment as good as methylphenidate 

                                                                                        and both together do still better.

Guanfacine* (Tenex)                                                        Very similar to clonidine

imipramine*, MAOIs

Desipramine*, nortriptyline*                                $6-12    Desipramine has a low safety index. Nortriptyline has a high safety index

Bupropion*                                                        $70    

Don't forget zinc, fish oil, and a multivitamin with minerals.


Traditional Anti-Psychotics:

Thioridazine* (Mellaril) 300 mg HS-BID                              Weight gain effect, QTc heart arrhythmia problem. No longer appropriate except in very low dosages.

Chlorpromazine* (Thorazine) 300 mg HS-BID      $46;         Weight gain, sleep effect, low EPS; $9-18 Overseas

Mesoridazine (Serentil) 200 mg BID                                    Weight gain, QTc problem; no longer used

Loxapine* (Loxitane) 100 mg QHS

Molindone (Moban) 100 mg QHS                                         No weight gain

Perphenazine* (Trilafon) 50 mg QHS

Thiothixene* (Navane) 30 mg QHS

Pimozide (Orap) 1-2 mg/day Used for Tourette’s

Trifluoperaine* (Stelazine) 20 mg QHS             $32            Less EPS than haloperidol but considerably more than chlorpromazine

Haloperidol* (Haldol) 10 mg QHS                     $36             No weight gain; $15 Imported

Haloperidol decanoate 1cc Q 4 weeks                $17           Used for non-compliant patients

Fluphenazine* (Prolixin) 10mg QHS

Fluphenazine decanoate 0.5-1cc Q 2 weeks        

Perphenazine/amitriptyline 12mg/75mg HS     $7.50;         4mg/25mg tabs

Compazine Used for nausea, not psychiatrically

Atypical Anti-Psychotics:

Clozapine (Clozaril)      100 TID         $317          Needs weekly to biweekly blood testing, sizable weight gain ($51 Imported)

Olanzapine (Zyprexa)   10-20 mg QD $345-$691  Minor savings from pill splitting. 2.5-5-7.5 & 10mg tabs, sizable weight gain, very 

                                                                        expensive. $15-30 Imported

Olanzapine + Fluoxetine (Symbyax)     $225-275    This combination is being marked for Bipolar Disorder. 

Quetiapine (Seroquel)   200-600 BID   $278-$834    No saving from pill splitting, minor weight gain; Half-life 6 hr. HS OK in 85%

Risperidone (Risperdal) 4-9 mg DQ     $360-$555  0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 mg sized elongated tabs, QD dosing fine. Minor savings splitting; 

                                                                        long acting; some wt. gain. $5-11 Overseas.

Risperdal Consta        SC Q 2 weeks                    First long-acting atypical

Ziprasidone (Geodon)   40-80 BID      $120-$239  No wt gain. Caps 20-40-60-80=Same cost. 7 hr half-life. QD OK if 80 mg or less. Food 

                                                                        doubles absorption! Lower cost with once a day dosing. Low level of side-effects.

Aripiprazole (Abilify)    15-30mg HS   $266-367   No wt gain. No titration. Half-life 75 hr. Well absorbed. Higher dose cost savings.

Amisulpride (Solian)     400-800 HS    $110-$220  Not available in U.S.; less weight gain, fewer side-effects, and better efficacy except 

                                                                        for clozapine; Also called Deniban and Sulamid


Non-addictive Anti-anxiety meds

Buspirone* (Buspar)     10 TID            $17           good studies, but often less successful in clinical practice; 10 mg tabs $18/100; BID OK

Hydroxyzine*              25-100 BID-QID $15-30     good patient acceptance; better than benzodiazepines in DB studies; may caused dry 

                                                                        mouth or drowsiness. More effective than buspirone for most patients

Many anti-depressants                                      quite effective for anxiety disorders as are some anti-psychotics and mood-stabilizers


Benzodiazepines Anti-anxiety & sleep meds (all mildly to moderately addictive and best avoided)

Alprazolam* (Xanax): intermediate acting;         High abuse potential; Xanax XR long-acting currently being promoted: XR expensive.

Diazepam* (Valium): long acting;                       High abuse potential due to rapid onset of action

Oxazepam: short to intermediate

Quazepam (Doral): intermediate

Estazolam (ProSom): intermediate

Temazepam (Restoril): short 15-30 HS                $4-$10; 15 and 30 mg capsules

Chlordiazepoxide* (Librium): long 25 HS             $4; Lower abuse potential due to slower onset and withdrawal

Flurazepam (Dalmane): long    15-30 HS                $4

Chlorazepate* (Transxene): long

Lorazepam* (Ativan): intermediate 1-2 mg HS     $7-$13

Clonazepam (Klonopin): long 1-2mg HS                 $3-$4

Triazolam* (Halcion): short;                                High abuse potential

Zaleplon (Sonata): ultra-short                             Expensive; no effect on total sleep or awakenings. Only helps fall asleep.

Zolpidem (Ambien): short, 5-10mg HS                Expensive, $70-86; 5-10mg tabs


Other Sleep meds (all moderately addictive):


Chloral hydrate*(Noctec) Very old, rarely used

Barbiturates*                 Very old, rarely used except for some seizure patients

Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl)   Very old, frequently abuse, rarely used


Other Sleep meds (non-addictive)

Diphenhydramine* (Nytol, Benadryl) 50mg HS     $3                  Several double blind studies show effective; side-effects

Doxylamine* (Unisom)

Valerian root                                                                         Three DB studies show effective.

Melatonin                                                          $1.50           Ten DB studies show effective; also helps alertness

Trazodone*, nefazodone (Serzone), mirtazapine (Remeron), doxepin*, hydroxyzine,* chlorpromazine


Dry mouth side-effect medication

Bethanechol* (Urecholine)     25-50 mg PRN      $20(#90)           For dry mouth, urinary blockage, constipation. Generic no longer 

                                                                                            available in U.S. Cheapest from England

Urecholine                           25-50 mg PRN      $147                U.S. brandname


Meds for Extra-Pyramidal Side-Effects:

Amantadine* (Symmetrel) 200 mg HS             $20                     ($48 (Darby); best for EPS but not for akathisia

Benztropine* (Cogentin) 2-6 mg HS                 $6-19               for EPS and akathisia, but side-effects ($4-12

Trihexyphenidyl* (Artane) 5-15 mg HS                                     for EPS and akathisia, but side-effects

Biperidin* (Akineton) 2-4 mg HS                                             for EPS and akathisia, but side-effects

Propranolol* (Inderal) 20-80 mg QD                 $3-4,                 for akathisia and tremor 

Nadolol* (Corgard) 40-80 mg QD                     $10-10.50,         "

Metoprolol* (Lopressor) 50-100 mg QD             $2-$3,             selective beta-1 blocker, "

Cyproheptidine 16mg/d                                 $40                   for akathisia, serotonin syndrome


Selegiline* (Eldepryl)


Anti-manic mood stabilizers: Blood levels used for all to determine proper dosage

Lithium* (Eskalith)             300-900 BID    $6-12;               Standard treatment; weight gain, tremor, acne, psoriasis

Lithobid                             300-900 BID   $42.65-85.30;     As above, less nausea; same as above

Eskalith CR                       450-900 BID    $30.80-61.40;       450 mg tabs; same as above. $9-18 Imported

Lithium orotate (Serenity) 5-10mg TID                           Sold over the internet as "Serenity." Elemental lithium (lithium carbonate 300 = 68mg elemental); no 

                                                                                        research on such low doses (equals 75-150 mg lithium carbonate per day)

Anti-convulsants & Others used for Bipolar Disorder:

Valproic acid* (Depakene)   750-2000QD   $19.75-$51.75    Standard treatment, significant weight gain; $21.95/100 250mg caps; higher 

                                                                                          suicide rate

Valproate (Depakote)          750-2000QD   $95.85-$236.35  Standard treatment, significant weight gain; $106.45/100 250mg caps; 

                                                                                        $196.35/100 500mg caps; higher 


            (Depakote ER)                                                      New extended release formulation. Appears to have no advantages. 

Carbamazepine* (Tegretol)  800-1600QD   $14.10-$28.20   Standard treatment, slight weight gain; $11.75/100 200mg tabs, fewer 

                                                                                        side-effects than Depakote

  Extended carbazepine (Carbamol) QD                              No need for extended release; marketing gimmick 

Lamotrigine (Lamictal)      100-200QD      $150.50-99.50   Helps depression & mania; half-life 24 hr or 59 hr with valproate; 200mg tabs 

                                                                                         cheaper than 100s!

Symbyax (fluoxetine + olanzapine)                                    Combines anti-depressant fluoxetine with anti-psychotic olanzapine.

Many anti-psychotics, both traditional and atypical            Good for treating mania. Atypicals may also be of some help with depression

Clonidine (Catapres), Nimodipine

Other Anti-convulsants:                                                  No double-blind studies showing benefit for psychiatry; should not be used 

Topiramate (Topamax)      100-400/d      $65.90-$257.15   No weight gain, even weight loss; half-life 24 hr; no benefit in the only 

                                                                                        double-blind study done

Gabapentin (Neurontin)      900-1800/d   $125.10-$250.20   Good evidence (6 double-blind studies!) that it is of no psychiatric benefit

Tiagabine (Gabitril)                                                          Newest. No double-blind studies

Felbamate (Felbatol) ($157)

Phenytoin (Dilantin) ($23)

Zonisamide (Zonegran) ($203)

Oxcarbamazepine (Trileptal) ($179)

Levetiracetam (Keppra) ($103)

Pregabalin: due out in 2003.                                             May have DB studying showing useful for generalized anxiety


Other medications:

Modafinil (Provigil) Very expensive schedule IV stimulant used for narcolepsy. Abuse-prone drug.

Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (Xyrem) 4.5mgx2 HS $740; Date rape sleeping pill for narcolepsy, Schedule III, also called GHB

Sibutramine (Meridia) for obesity (controlled substance--stimulant)

Tamulosin: for painful ejaculations caused rareby by various anti-depressants 


Food Substances and Vitamins of proven benefit to Nervous System

Fish Oil*      2g BID     $8              Good for Alzheimer's, Heart Disease, and probably Depression and prevention. Or 1#/week seafood

Flax Oil*                    $20             Probably of benefit, but more slowly and less well than fish oil.

Flax Seeds*               $2               As above.

DHEA        50mg/d     $4             Helps some depression in females. May increase cancer risk with long-term usage

Vitamin E*  800 BID     $4              May be modest benefit for tardive dyskinesia and Alzheimer’s disease

Glycine      15-60g/d      $15-60     Schizophrenia. Good evidence of benefit for negative symptoms as an add-on with several DB studies

D-Serine     2g/d                         Schizophrenia. Good evidence of benefit as an add-on Rx.

D-Cycloserine 50mg/d                 Schizophrenia. Good evidence of benefit as an add-on. An anti-tuberculosis drug

SAMe    200-3600mg/d $30-$540  Several DB trials since early 1990’s found of value for depression; however folate may take its place

Pyridoxine-B6          $1-$2           Some evidence may be of modest value. Helped PMS depression in one DB study.

Folic Acid                $.30-$2           Helps depression in 5 DB studies, protects nervous system, may help schizophrenia; very good

Vit D, Selenium        $2-$4            Each helped depression but only one DB study for each found. Good for health, esp. vitamin D

Cyanocobalamin-B12 $1-$2          May help prevent dementia. Might help some depression.

5-HTP                        $15            Good for depression and anxiety with few side-effects.

Inositol                       $19-$30     Probably good for depression and obsessive compulsive disorder.  Probably not good for bipolars

Acetyl-L-Carnitine        $8            Two older studies found helpful for elderly depression. Good for chronic fatigue conditions, etc.


Ones promoted, but of unproven value:


Phenylalanine                            Studies shows of minimal or no benefit for depression tho may be an adjunct

Borage oil, dimethylglycine


Choline                                     May help mania.

Procyanidins (Pycnogenol)          No evidence of value for psychiatric disorders

Chromium picolate                     Good evidence of no value for weight control. Single report that might help some depression.

Herbal Treatments of proven value, albeit modest:

Ginkgo    40-80 TID                  Some evidence of modest value for dementia, 2 very good studies found no benefit; mild benefit

Kava    100-200HS                    Modest value for insomnia/anxiety. 3 DB studies for anx. $1/oz.; Addictive. Life threatening liver 

                                                disease. Avoid it totally!

Black cohosh                            Good evidence of value for menopause symptoms, but not as good as estrogen

Chasteberries                          One good DB study found benefit for PMS

Valerian                                 For insomnia and anxiety. Only favorable opinions that helps. Some studies.

Ones commercially promoted, but of unproven value:

California Poppy                      For insomnia. Relatively new, mild, and very little information available.

Hops                                      For insomnia. Only favorable opinions that helps. On par with valerian.

Passion flower                         For insomnia and anxiety. Only favorable opinions that helps

German chamomile                  For insomnia and anxiety. Only favorable opinions that helps.

Skullcap                                  For insomnia and anxiety, insufficient evidence of any benefit or risks.

Lemon balm                           For insomnia, insufficient evidence of any benefit or risks. For anxiety only favorable opinions that helps. 

                                                One study helped Alzheimer's

Evenings primrose                   For schizophrenia, ADHD, and dementia, insufficient evidence of any benefit

Crystals and aromatherapy        For sleep, etc.  No evidence of benefit

Yohimbine (Yocon)                   For impotency. Studies have not found any benefit

Ginseng                                 Many studies finding no benefit except for one where of value as a cancer preventative

Meds for Alcohol Dependence:

Disulfiram (Antabuse)      250-500 mg QD   $24-48/mo.    $13-21/mo. Imported     

Naltrexone (Revia)          50 mg QD           $120/mo.

Acamprosate (Campral)   666 mg. t.i.d.    $64/mo. from England. Not available in U.S.


Non-psychiatric Meds:

Cox-2 Inhibitors: Celecoxib (Celebrex) 200-400/d $75-150; Rofecoxib (Vioxx) 12.5-50 $77-160; Valdecoxib (Bextra) 10-80 $86-330;  Ibuprofen much cheaper.  Prilosec 20 mg .26 each Overseas

Lowest Cost Antibiotics:

Pharyngitis and strep throats:    Pen V generic $3.27;

Lower respiratory bronchitis:     Amoxicillin $6.88, Doxycycline $1.70, generic Bactrim DS $1.79, erythromycin $7.17;

Skin Infections:                         generic Keflex $6, generic dicloxacillin $7.77,cephradine $12.53;

Sinusitis:                                  amoxicillin $6.88, generic Bactrim DS $1.79, cephaclor $24.08. Med Let 8/28/98


Indigent Programs: For general lists of contacts: 800-PMA-INFO;

    For various psychiatric medications:

Anafranil, Ciba-Geigy Patient Support Program, 800-257-3273 908-277-5849.

Celexa, Forest Laboratories' Indigent Patient Program, 800-678-1605 (physician requests).

Zoloft, Pfizer, 800-646-4455

Luvox, Solvay, 800-788-9277; also Lithobid

Paxil, SKF, 215-751-5722 (physician requests)

Risperdal, Janssen, (800) 652-6227

Bristol-Myers 800-332-2056 BuSpar, Desyrel, Prolixin, Serzone

Abbott 800-222-6885 Depakote

Effexor, Serax, Surmontil: Wyeth 703-706-5933

AstraZeneca 800-424-3727 Elavil, Seroquel

Scios 800-633-7011 Parnate, Eskalith

Roche 285-4484 Klonopin, Valium

Geodon Patient Assistance, Pfizer, (866) 443-6366, Also Nardil, Zoloft

GlaxoSmithKline 800-722-9294 Dexedrine, Eskalith CR, Lamictal, Parnate, Paxil, Stelazine, Thorazine, Wellbutrin

Novartis 800-257-3273 Clozaril, Lithobid, Ritalin, Tegretol, Tofranil, Trileptal

Medicare patients see Together Rx™ 150+ medicines from 7 mfrs: Abbott, AstraZeneca, Aventis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Novartis, Ortho-McNeil: Clozaril, Depakote, Eskalith CR, Haldol, Lamictal, Paxil, Risperdal, Reminyl, Seroquel, Synthroid, Tegretol, Topamax, Wellbutrin SR